Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Snow is HERE....again

Well, I woke up this morning and to my surprise, the storm arrived a few hours early, which I'm sure you all noticed already.  So what does this mean for the impact it will have on us? Well, for starters, temperatures will not have the opportunity to climb far enough for rain to mix in northern NJ.  This alone ensures me that we will see the forecasted 6"-10", but there's more.  As this storm continues pushing north, it will be pulling in cold, dry, Arctic air.  This cold air will help support and sustain snow for much of NJ; however, it comes with a price (for you snow lovers).  This cold, Arctic air is dry.  The more this storm pulls in, the sharper the moisture cutoff will be on the northern fringe of the storm.  This is the central key for northern NJ's impact.  The sharp cutoff in the snow bands will keep the heaviest snow bands south of us over central and western NJ near Philadelphia/Trenton.  This area, from Sandy Hook to Philadelphia and south, will see snow totals on the higher end of the scale, close to 10".  The immediate shore counties will see 4"-6".  Northeast NJ will see between 6"-8" while the mountains of Northwest NJ (Warren and Sussex counties) will see lower totals between 4"-6".

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