Friday, December 31, 2010

A brief weather forecast and a Happy New Year!

Well, 2010 is almost over and in a few hours, 2011 will begin.  It's been a wild year for weather across the world.  From blizzards to hurricanes, and from floods to droughts.  For us here in northern NJ, 2011 will begin with some warmth.  High pressure is anchored to our south and will serve to push some warm air in from the Gulf.  For the next 3 days, as the High Pressure slowly moves east, we will see temperatures continue to climb to the upper 40's.  The average for this time of year is around 31 degrees!  That is certainly some welcome news to those whose streets have yet to be plowed in NYC or those of us with 7ft piles of snow on our lawns!  However, all good things must come to an end and, for this heat, it will end on Monday.  A cold front will push through the region on Sunday bringing with it rain and some wind.  This could cause some flooding in areas where drainage sewers are still blocked by snow mounds so be aware.

Until then, I wish everyone a Healthy and Happy New Year!

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