Sunday, December 26, 2010

Blizzard 2010 UPDATE 3:50pm

This update is simply to adjust storm totals for the area... 
More accumulations were expected during the afternoon hours prior to the blizzard conditions developing.  That was why snowfall totals were initially increased to 20"-24".  Unfortunately, only a couple inches were accumulated up to this point across the region.  This in accordance with the location of the heavier snow bands will result in lower accumulations across the region.  This doesn't mean the storm is a bust by NO means.  We should expect 15"-18" of snow for NE NJ. Everything else previously discussed about this storm is on pace to occur.  We have already had wind gusts at 30 mph and that is expected to increase to 45-60 mph later in the evening.  

During a snowstorm like this one, you hear a lot of talk about banding.  These are the areas in which the heaviest snowfall occurs.  These areas are typically steady throughout a single event and become, for lack of a better term, ground zero for the highest snow totals.  These are not easy to forecast and therefore, snowfall totals are constantly in flux throughout a major snowstorm like this one.  That is why, the more we better understand where this snow band will set up, the better we can forecast the exact storm totals.

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